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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dot flowers herald the new year

Dot flowers are blooming, signaling the coming of Tet, all up and down Khanh Vinh Mountain in the central province of Khanh Hoa.

Dot is a kind of wild grass growing on the mountainous area here and is used by the local to make broom.
Travellers in this area will be treated to the site of these wild flowers on the journey from Khan Vinh Township to the central highlands province of Lam Dong. Locals harvest the flowers in hopes of earning a little extra money for the holiday season.

“There is a good crop of dot flowers this year. We have come to harvest for Tet this year. We can earn between VND5,000 and VND7,000 (USD0.25-USD0.35) per kilogramme of fresh dot. For the dry flowers we get anywhere from VND20,000 to VND22,000 (USD1-USD1.1) per kilogramme. My wife and I hope to pick between VND50 and 60 kilogrammes this year to earn some money for the Tet holiday.”

Harvesting dot is not easy work. Locals climbs up the dangerous mountain sides to pick the wild flowers.
Some images of the dot harvest:
Flowers ready for transport
Ready to be loaded
The plant grows on steep mountainsides
The flowers are picked by hand
Local shows a bit of her harvest
Mother and child among the wild flowers
Mother and child among the wild flowers
Hung hopes this dot harvest will mean a new motorbike
The plant is fastened into bunches
A couple bundles their small harvest
A load of dot being taken to the market
Dot flowers shown here in full bloom


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