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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I’m confident to run for Party Central Committee

I believe that in the current democratic context, Party members and the people are looking for ambitious and firm candidates,” said Nguyen Xuan Kien, the first person who offered himself as a candidate for the election of the Party Central Committee, in an interview with an online newspaper.
Kien, 45, is Deputy Director of the Center for Scientific Research, Professional Knowledge and Documentation under the Party Central Committee’s Information and Education Department.

Why do you decide to run for the election of the Party Central Committee of the 11th tenure?

I submitted my application on December 8, 2010 to stand for the election of the Party Central Committee. I have researched economic sciences for 20 years since I was a student, when I was a lecturer and until now, when I am working at the Central Information and Education Department.

I am running for election because I wish to contribute my expertise to the country’s renovation. My concern is the potential to develop Vietnam’s economy. Vietnam can become a powerful country in the next 30-50 years because we have sufficient conditions. But in the short term, we have to make breakthroughs and renovations to effectively restructure our resources. If we don’t renovate governance in the short run, difficulties may be prolonged because of the pressures of the global crisis and the market economy.
What did your colleagues and your agency say when they knew that you were running for the election?

My colleagues were very surprised but they warmly supported me. My superiors also expressed their support to me.
I can understand the surprise of my colleagues. Though the Party’s regulations allow members to run for the Party Central Committee election my action is not common.

You submitted your application just one month before the 11th Party Congress. Are you worried that delegates may lack information about you?

Time is only one factor. If they want to learn about me and share my ideas, they can refer to my books to see my ideas about renovation of the economy. I believe that in the current democratic context, Party members and the people are looking for ambitious and firm candidates.

You are a doctor of political economics and you have performed research activities for years. What could you say if others are worried about your practical activities?

Actually, I’m not only a theoretical researcher. I used to be a youth leader at university. I’m a passionate researcher but my research is also connected with my life.
Moreover, it is not true that researchers are not practical. They are always concerned of matters of life, always observe life and when they have favorable conditions, they will apply their concerns in the daily life.

Not many people ran for election to the Party Central Committee in recent Party Congresses. What do you think about your chances?

I absolutely know enough about it and I’ve read documents of previous Party Congresses. But it is different now than from five years ago. I believe in the strong renovation in the Party. That belief urges me to contribute my ideas to turn Vietnam into a dynamic economy, which can contribute to the global economy. That belief has been shown in all of my books and in my application.

I think that other Party members will share my aspiration to further encourage the renovation of the economy. More than ever, we need to be side by side to carry out renovations, to be brave, and self-responsible to have a dynamic economy.

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Kien was born on August 1 1966 in the northern province of Bac Ninh. He graduated from the Hanoi Teacher Training University’s Political Education Faculty. He worked as a lecturer at the university for eight years before earning the doctoral degree of political economics. His wife also holds a PhD.

Source: VietnamNet Bridge


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