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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Keepsakes survived in wars

Letters overflowed with tears, daily utensils like fans, pots, oil stoves, combs, etc. made by the cover of shot-down aircrafts are on display at the Museum of Military History in Hanoi.

Below are some items exhibited at the museum:
A fan made from the cover of an American aircraft.
Lamps made by the cover of US bullets, bombs and weapons.
Combs and plates made from the cover of rockets and shot-down airplanes.
Items made from the cover of shot-down airplanes and bullets.
The iron helmet of one of the 200 soldiers who sacrificed his life
in Chu tan Kra on March 25 1968.
An artificial leg of a soldier.

Source: Hanh Phuong – Nguyen Hoang, VietNamNet Bridge


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