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Monday, January 10, 2011

Vietnam Facts

Vietnam Facts

Photo courtesy of Josh Nguyen 

Language: The official language is Vietnamese. Some Chinese, English and French are spoken. Tour guides can also speak Russian and Japanese. Numerous ethnic languages are also spoken in parts.

Currency: The official currency is the Dông (VND). There are no smaller denominations. Currency can be exchanged at banks, bureaux de change, hotels and on the black market. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are becoming more widely acceptable, particularly in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, but it is best not to rely on them elsewhere. It is recommended that visitors bring travelers cheques in US Dollars, which can be cashed at major banks in the main cities and tourist areas. US currency acts as unofficial tender and is useful as a back-up when banks won't cash travelers cheques outside the main cities, but notes must be relatively new and unmarked. Dông can be withdrawn from ATMs, which are becoming more widespread.

Time: GMT +7.

Electricity: 220 volts, 50Hz. Plugs are either the two flat-pin or the two round-pin type. Three rectangular blade plugs can be found in some of the newer hotels.

Communications: The international country code is +84. The outgoing code is 00, followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 001 for the United States or Canada). City/area codes are in use, e.g. Hanoi is (0)4 and Ho Chi Minh City is (0)8. GSM 900 mobile networks cover the major urban areas. Internet cafes are available in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Internet access is often available at post offices in rural areas.

Duty Free: Travelers to Vietnam over 18 years do not have to pay duty on the following items: 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 500g tobacco; 1.5 liters alcohol with alcohol content higher than 22% and 2 liters below 22%; up to 5kg tea and 3kg coffee; perfume and items for personal consumption within reasonable amounts; other goods to the value of five million Vietnamese dong.

Getting Around: In August and September 2008, Northern and Central Vietnam experienced torrential rain resulting in severe flooding. This caused considerable damage to local infrastructure, including road and rail links. If you are planning to visit Northern or Central Vietnam, check with your tour operator before traveling to the effected areas.

Tourist Office
Vietnam Tourist Office: +84 (0)4 942 3998 (Hanoi) or

Emergencies: 13 (Police); 15 (Ambulance)

Embassy of Vietnam, Washington DC, United States: +1 202 861 0737.

Embassy of Vietnam, London, United Kingdom (also responsible for Ireland): +44 (0)20 7937 1912.

Embassy of Vietnam, Ottawa, Canada: +1 613 236 0772.

Embassy of Vietnam, Canberra, Australia: +61 (0)2 6290 1549.

Embassy of Vietnam, Pretoria, South Africa: +27 (0)12 362 8119.

Embassy of Vietnam, Wellington, New Zealand: +64 (0)4 473 5912.

United States Embassy, Hanoi: +84 (0)4 831 4590.

British Embassy, Hanoi: +84 (0)4 936 0500.

Canadian Embassy, Hanoi: +84 (0)4 734 5000.

Australian Embassy, Hanoi: +84 (0)4 831 7755.

South African Embassy, Hanoi: +84 (0)4 936 2000.

Irish Embassy, Hanoi: +84 (0)4 974 3291.

New Zealand Embassy, Hanoi: +84 (0)4 824 1481.

Vietnam Visa & Health

Passport must be valid for at least one month after expiry date of visa. Otherwise passports should have six months validity for visa-free nationals, except for nationals of Denmark, Finland, Japan, Korea (Rep.), Norway and Sweden, who require three months validity. All visitors must have sufficient funds for the duration of their stay, onward or return tickets (if no visa is required) and all documents needed for next destination. Visitors should hold a spare passport photograph on arrival in Vietnam for use on the immigration form that must be filled out. You should retain the yellow portion of your immigration.

Arrival-Departure card on entry to Vietnam, as this is required for exit. Visitors coming from countries with no Vietnamese diplomatic representation will be issued a visa on arrival, provided the visitor is holding a letter from Vietnamese Immigration confirming this.

Americans: US passport holders must have a valid passport and a visa is required.

UK nationals: UK passport holders must have a valid passport and a visa is required.

Canadians: Canadian passport holders must have a valid passport and a visa is required.

Australians: Australian passport holders must have a valid passport and a visa is required.

South Africans: South Africans require a valid passport and a visa.

Irish nationals: Irish nationals require a valid passport and a visa.

New Zealanders: New Zealand nationals require a visa and a valid passport.

An outbreak of bird flu in 2004 claimed numerous human lives; recent outbreaks have also resulted in human fatalities. Avian flu in poultry has now spread to numerous provinces and cities across Vietnam. All care should be taken to avoid contact with live poultry and visitors are advised to exercise caution when eating poultry dishes, particularly raw or undercooked poultry products. Other health risks in the country include Hepatitis A and E, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, bilharzia, plague, cholera, diarrhoea and HIV/AIDS. Malaria prophylaxis is recommended for travel outside the main cities and towns, the Red River delta and north of Nha Trang. There has been an increase in the amount of deaths relating to dengue fever over the past year, and visitors should take care to protect themselves from mosquito bites during the day, especially just after dawn and just before dusk, particularly in the southern Mekong Delta region. Travelers should seek medical advice about vaccinations at least three weeks before leaving for Vietnam and ensure they have adequate insect protection. Typhoid can be a problem in the Mekong Delta. Those arriving from an infected area require a yellow fever vaccination certificate. Water is potable, but visitors usually prefer to drink bottled water. Decent health care is available in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) with English-speaking doctors, and there is a surgical clinic in Da Nang, but more complicated treatment may require medical evacuation. Pharmacies throughout the country are adequate, but check expiry dates of medicines carefully. Health insurance is essential.

Travel in Vietnam is generally safe and violent crime is uncommon. Pick-pocketing is rife, and in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) drive-by purse snatching is a common trick. When transferring from airports only use pre-arranged hotel pickups or licensed taxis to avoid theft from opportunists. It is best to leave valuables in a secure hotel safe and avoid obvious displays of wealth. During the monsoon season (usually between June and October) the country is prone to serious flooding and typhoons (until December), particularly the Mekong Delta and Central Region. In August and September 2008, Northern and Central Vietnam experienced torrential rain resulting in severe flooding. This caused considerable damage to local infrastructure, including road and rail links. If you are planning to visit Northern or Central Vietnam, check with your tour operator before traveling to the effected areas.

Vietnam Climate

The climate varies greatly from north to south. The north has a cool and dry season from November to April and a hot rainy season from May to October. The central coast north of Nha Trang has a similar climate with the winter monsoon bringing cool, wet weather between December and February. The south is hot and humid all year round, especially from February to May. The rainy season lasts from May to November. The central highlands have a similar climate to the south, but it is cooler and temperatures can be freezing in winter. The official peak season in Vietnam is from September to April.

Vietnam Culture
Shorts should be avoided away from the beaches if possible. Shoes must be removed on entering religious sites and a donation is expected when visiting a temple or pagoda. Photography is restricted at ports, harbors and airports, and it is polite to ask permission before taking photographs of people, especially of ethnic minorities. Never leave chopsticks sticking upright in a bowl of rice as it has strong death connotations.

Tipping: Most restaurants and hotels now add a 5 to 10% service charge to their bills. In top hotels porters expect a small tip. Hired drivers and guides are usually tipped, and it is customary to round up the bill for taxi drivers in the cities. Tipping is not generally expected, but some small change for most services is appreciated.

Photo courtesy of

Vietnam Business

Business practices in Vietnam are conducted in a similar fashion to those of China, Japan and Korea rather than their Southeast Asian counterparts. Pride and tact are important to bear in mind, as practices tend to be formalised more so than in Western countries. Often it is best to be introduced rather than approach the person with whom business is intended for fear of suspicion. Negotiations and settlements may take longer as the Vietnamese like to examine contracts thoroughly. Formal dress is common but in summer months the dress tends to be more casual. It is important to be on time for business
appointments as the Vietnamese consider lateness rude. The person is always addressed as Mr., Mrs., and Ms., followed by their personal name (not family name), unless otherwise referred. It is worth finding out in advance. Shaking hands with both hands is the most respectful greeting although bowing is still popular among the older population, and meetings always begin with the exchange of business cards, which should be given and received with both hands; each person expects to receive one, so be sure to bring a vast supply. Business hours are typically 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday with an hour taken at lunch, and 8am to 11.30am on Saturdays.



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