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Monday, January 17, 2011

Lunar New Year in old capital city

What are the special features of the lunar New Year in Vietnam’s ancient capital city of Hue? Let’s see the photos displayed at the “Hue enters Spring” exhibition held by the Thua Thien-Hue Province Photographers’ Association.

“Year-end day” by Nguyen Duc Tri

“Water Flower” by Dang Van Tran

“Cyclo” by Hoang Xuan Tri

“Hue’s Violet Color” by Bui Ngoc Vinh

“Selling Goods on River” by Vo Dong Bay

“Winter” by Truong Vung.

“Old Village” by Dong Minh Dong.

“In the Sunrise” by Van Dinh Huy

“Fishing” by Ho Ngoc Son.
“Spring Musical Note” by Nguyen Duc Tri.

“To Finish in Hue’s Rain” by Truong Vung.


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